MohammadHossein Givkashi

M.Sc. Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Isfahan University of Technology

Email: givkashi at gmail dot com


I received my B.Sc degree in Computer Software Engineering from Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Kashan, and started my M.Sc. studying at the Isfahan University of Technology, majoring in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
I pursued a master's degree in artificial intelligence and robotics at Isfahan University of Technology. As a research assistant at the HaDIP laboratory, I worked on Image Inpainting, Image Retargeting and Medical Image Segmentation.

My research interests are Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Computer Vision, GANs and Bio-medical Image Processing.

Publications [Google Scholar]

Supervised Deep Learning for Content-Aware Image Retargeting with Fourier Convolutions.
Accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Journal (Springer Journal),(Q1) 2024.

[paper][project page] arXiv preprint (arXiv), 2023.

SFI-Swin: Symmetric Face Inpainting with Swin Transformer by Distinctly Learning Face Components Distributions.
arXiv preprint (arXiv), 2023.

[paper][project page]

Focal-Unet: Unet-like Focal Modulation for Medical Image Segmentation.
arXiv preprint (arXiv), 2022.

[paper][project page][github]

Aesthetic-aware image retargeting based on foreground–background separation and PSO optimization.
Accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer Journal (Springer Journal), 2022.


Image Inpainting Using AutoEncoder and Guided Selection of Predicted Pixels.
International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2022.



  • Research Assistant,   06. 2020 - Now

        The Isfahan University of Technology

        Supervisor: Prof. Shadrokh Samavi

  • Teaching Assistant

    2022FallDeep Learning
    2022SpringMachine Learning
    2021FallDeep Learning
    2021FallDatabase Laboratory
    2021FallComputational Intelligence

    © Givkashi | Last updated: Aug 2024